Last night we had friends over to the flat for a pre-NYE party. It was one of those perfect mixtures of the right people, the right music, the right amount of alcohol (veering on the precipice of excess...) Just a lovely combination of very old friends and special new ones, perfect.
I think the last day of the year always provokes a certain amount of thought. My first thoughts about 2010 were quite negatives ones. I worked my ass off for the end of third year, I graduated, our best friend went back to Ireland and plenty of other friends left Liverpool, summer disappeared in a flurry of full-time work...
But the more I thought about it, 2010 for me has been an amazing year, especially from September onwards. I live in a flat with my boyfriend. A beautiful, perfect little flat, I am beyond lucky to have them both. I have managed to do more stuff at university than I ever thought possible. LUDS has given me opportunity after opportunity, on and off stage, I have become more involved in the LGoS side of life, PhilSoc is my baby, I have become closer and closer to my university friends and closer to the friends who have returned to Liverpool... I have just been utterly blessed in so many ways.
2011 holds the promise of hard work and big changes. Yet again, there is work, work and more work and this year, I will try to get the balance right (see tomorrow's pitiful attempt at a Resolution post....) between MA work, uni work and play... I will graduate... again...
I love the idea of a fresh slate. This year I hope I can appreciate everything I have.
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