i am a student, i am a poor student with a very muted interest in the world of fashion.
however, me and my mummy went shopping today. she wanted to be cheered up and she has a civil partnership to attend soon and wanted something different to wear.
so we trawled and trawled the streets of liverpool and found absolutely nothing of anything interest at all.
but we did pop in to vivienne westwood. as a joke. as an actual joke about these crazy clothes we could never afford. i found the most beautiful dress, over £700 which i tried on, again as a joke.
and what a joke it was. it came with instructions. it ended with both my mother and shop assisstant trying to sort me out in my underwear. i gave up.
my mum tried on this. again, completely unaffordable, unnecessary, too frivolous a purchase to be justified. until she tried it on.
and her face absolutely lit up. and she was sold. everyone complimented the fit, the colour. i convinced it her it was a wise investment to be passed down from generation to generation (or just to meeee!)

it really was lovely and i think i have developed a very naughty little love for Vivienne Westwood. Completely inaccessible, out of my range but maybe something to aspire to...
Random other news. Exam results back, feeling happy, nice and solid and exactly what i needed.
Rehearsals are going well. AS IF it is only three weeks away! But it is developing nicely, getting a real feel for it and I just think it is so different from anything I have ever been in, excited!
two and a half years for me and mathew today. seems like a life time and no time at all. <3