Ah what a weekend of drama it has been.
Went to see Liverpool University Drama Society's performance of "Junk" on Friday. I have to say I was dubious at first. I mean, how much realistic heroin taking can appear on stage? However, the cast put on a fabulous interpretation of said play, it really was amazing. Full of love and drugs. yummy.
Saturday was a trip back to the old school, rather literally. Slightly different play, "My Fair Lady". Ahhh it was lovely, if only to see how you never forget the place and just how little time you have to spend there to feel like it is yours again.
All this drama has, however, made me quite nervous. In only 10 days (ohhhh my, 10 days!) another section of LUDS will be performing "The Crucible." I am nervous. Very very very nervous. I am scared of forgetting my lines, of laughing on stage, of forgetting to come on, of walking on stage naked, of just being generally shit.... but to be honest, most of all, I am scared of losing contact with all the amazing people I have met. I love performing and I love the play and the role I have been given but all of this wouldn't mean very much except for the wonderful cast around me. Really lovely people.
But here begins another university week. Christmas seems to be rudely thrust upon us via adverts and lights and pressurising shops and their winter wonderland displays but university seems to be lagging far too far behind and the holidays seem very out of reach....
HELLO! I WOULD LIKE TO TELL YOU HOW PROUD I AM OF RACHEL HELEN PRESTON. One of my very very best friends has just been accepted into a group to go on a Himalayas expedition next year. They are so very lucky to have her. I have such pride worthy friends :)